Donate via Zelle: bgclubtreasurer@gmail.com
Donate via Venmo: @NanuetBlackGold

Membership is open to any individual, family or business who has interest in the
Nanuet School District athletic program.
We also now accept payment using Venmo and Zelle or use PayPal below!
Venmo*: @NanuetBlackGold
Zelle*: bgclubtreasurer@gmail.com
*If you send your membership dues via VENMO or ZELLE, please email us at nanuetblackandgoldclub@gmail.com
with your: name, athlete's name, address, & phone number!


If you would like to donate without becoming a member:
Members are not required, but are encouraged to attend our monthly meetings, to get involved, volunteer and offer support.
Non-members may attend meetings only by invitation of a member or by contacting the president of the club.
A new member may have voting privileges after attending three business meetings.
You can download forms for membership below.