Donate via Zelle: bgclubtreasurer@gmail.com
Donate via Venmo: @NanuetBlackGold

Hello Coaches!
Coaches Request for Assistance Form
Black and Gold Club Membership Form
Welcome to another great school year!
The Nanuet Black and Gold Club would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication to our
Nanuet Knight Athletes.
The mission of the Nanuet Black and Gold Club is to support our schools, the modified and high school athletes and coaches as well as the Nanuet community. We appreciate your input and suggestions on ways we can continue to fulfill this mission. We also ask for your help. There are a few ways you can help us to best support the students.
Encourage families to become Nanuet Black and Gold Members.
Include us in your special events and team activities. We can help or promote on social media.
Send us your scores, team and athlete achievements, recognitions, AND pictures! Our social media is followed by many students and families, this is a great way to reach a large crowd.
Please send this information to: bgclubsocialmedia@gmail.com
The club offers each sports team financial support - $300 per season if the criteria for donation is met.
Your team must have fulfilled ONE of these criteria:​
Raised money for the team itself.
Raised money for a cause (within or outside of Nanuet).
Contributed to our school community through promoting mentoring, athletic team education, or engaging students with a lasting positive impact.
The Nanuet Black and Gold Club would like to wish you and our athletes the best of luck! We hope to work closely with you, our athletes and parents/guardians to gain membership and awareness of the
Black and Gold Club mission.
Please email us with any questions.
Thank you for your help and support,
The Nanuet Black and Gold Club Board